Nixa ARC Hamfest - Saturday, November 12, 2022

We are expecting a GREAT hamfest this year!  Last week the last of our tables sold out - we have 42 tables sold for the event!!!   

One of the only complaints we heard last year was how hard it was to get around the hamfest.  Without divulging any trade secrets, and with the masterful mind of Jim Adkins, KC0IYI, we have done several things with the arrangement and we should have more room for everyone to get around AND make it easier to get in the front door.  We've added a B-Tech 6X2PRO dual band analog / DMR handheld radio to the prize give away bundle in addition to the (2) Yaesu FT-70 dual band analog / Fusion portable radios and the Yaesu FT-891 HF mobile radio as the grand prize.  We also have several awesome license study guides to give away to those testing at the test session as well as an abundance of gift certificates to the ARRL, Alpha Antennas, and DX Engineering..

The Barnhouse Event Center is located at 5484 W Sunshine in Republic, MO - Doors open at 8:30 a.m.  Come check out all the great equipment we'll have for sale and whet your appetite to enhance your test equipment abilities by attending our Nano VNA presentation at 11:30 a.m. and adding to your operating appetite by learning about the Parks on the Air (POTA) program and how you can activate a national park and enjoy working your own pileups!

With the hamfest just 12 days away, we are ready to see you all at the event!   Tickets are $10 at the door and if you want to really enhance your chances of winning the superticket price of $20.00 gets you 20 chances to win.  Remember - ALL proceeds go to support the Southwest Missouri Linked Repeater System (SMLRS) which will be used for talk-in for the event.

Breakfast and lunch will be available on site  for your convenience.

If you have any questions, feel free to email and we'll get your questions answered ASAP.


James Adkins, KB0NHX

Nixa ARC Hamfest Committee