Nixa ARC Hamfest - Saturday, November 13 @ 8:00 a.m

The Nixa ARC Hamfest is coming up quickly!   If you haven't already, mark your calendar for Saturday, November 13, 2021 - doors open at 8:00 a.m.  

Location:  Barnhouse Event Center - 5484 W. Sunshine St, Brookline, MO  65619

37-9-45 N / 93-23-47.0 W OR in decimal degrees - Latitude : 37.1625 degrees | Longitude :  -93.396389 degrees


Southwest Missouri Linked Repeater System - local repeater to Springfield will be the 147.015 or 147.225, PL 162.2 Hz on both
For a list of ALL repeaters that will have Talk-in Traffic, vist

Admission is $10.00 and you receive (2) prize tickets per admission
SUPER TICKET:  $20.00 and you receive (20) prize tickets per superticket (this has been VERY popular in the past!)

Tables:       SOLD OUT!!!


Tables:  This year's hamfest features 39 tables total and will include commercial vendors Associated Radio, D&L Antennas and Ham Crazy.

VE Testing:  8:30 a.m. - Upstairs conference room - NO pre-registration needed - Provided by Rob Huelga, W3LGA, and the Nixa ARC VE Team

  10:30 a.m. - "When Kilocycles meet Solar Cycles" by Rob Steenburgh, AD0IU, and Bob Renard, N7WY.   Rob works with the team that "predicts" the short term space-weather forecast of which Bob pulls from when he sends out his weekly HF activities emails on the email reflector.  Some discussion on the forecast process and how it can be interpreted to improve your HF operating skills will be discussed

12:00 p.m. - "FT-8 for Everyone" will be presented by Larry Grinstead, WA0JZK.  Larry will discuss this popular HF digital mode, some information that pertains to all users and their equipment, and where to find SPECIFIC information pertaining to YOUR individual setup on the Internet


The Barnhouse Grill will be open for Breakfast at 6:00 a.m. AND lunch during the event and it has a sit down area for those attending to sit and visit, eat, and/or drink coffee!

If you haven't seen a flyer yet, here is a link:

Interest has been good for the hamfest and we are hoping for a great turnout.  Talk-in will be held on ANY SMLRS repeater - locally it is the 147.015+ PL 162.2 Hz or the 147.225+ PL 162.2 Hz - both in Springfield.  On site, we will have the Nixa ARC Club communications trailer set up with the portable repeater linked to the SMLRS - if you want to listen to the talk-in during the hamfest or for other announcements about the hamfest, you can program the trailer repeater into your HT:

146.595 output with a negative offset - 145.995 input, PL 71.9 Hz on both encode and decode.   

Brad, KA0KDW, will be the net control & talk-in for the event - thanks Brad!

More information and detailed driving directions can be found here:
James Adkins, KB0NHX
Nixa ARC Hamfest Committee